Devil May Cry 2 HD Collection guide: Dante's Secret Room locations

Where to find every Secret Room in Dante's campaign.

The Devil May Cry HD Collection has been released into the wild on PS4 and Xbox One, and it’s a fairly direct port of the package released last generation. Devil May Cry 2 isn’t the best game in the series, but it still brings its own charms (and crucially, Dante’s best red leather outfit) that make it worth a playthrough.

While Devil May Cry 1 & 3 are fairly straight forward when it comes to finding their Secret Missions, the second game in the series changed up the formula, hiding these challenges behind unmarked walls in each level. No matter what order you find them in the campaign, you’ll always play the Secret Room challenges from first to last (the first you find will be Secret Room 1, the second, Secret Room 2, and so forth).

(If you're looking for Lucia's Secret Rooms, check out our locations guide.)

How to find Dante's Secret Rooms

In this article we’ll be covering the location of every Secret Room for Dante’s portion of the game. There are a total of 60, with 20 available on Normal mode, 20 on Hard, and 20 on Dante Must Die mode. You’ll earn a Blue Orb Fragment for every two Secret Rooms you complete. Fortunately, they’re located in the same places on all difficulties. If you need some help hunting down the final Secret Rooms in Devil May Cry 2 HD, just check our spreadsheet below:




After fighting the Puias (bird creatures) there will be a wooden door between two buildings, enter it to find the first Secret Room


Following the first Secret Room, follow the path to the left and you’ll run into a door in a short wall. Double jump over the door and you can enter it from the back side


In the area you see the Red Orb Striking Stone there’s a coffin you can inspect


A second coffin is located to the left of the Blue Striking Globe


Once you’ve fought the large Goatling, head down the right side of the street (from the top end) and it should be the Fourth door along. You’re looking for a short set of red double doors, but if all else fails, just check every door


Heading down from the start of the level the first door that appears on the right is the secret room. If you’re having trouble just check every door on the right side of the screen (your right, not Dante’s) on your way down the street


In the area you need to use a Quick Heart and before you need to go through the gate, walk from the door past the iron gate until you reach a Red Orb Striking Stone. You’ll find a garage door nearby you can interact with


Exit the ramp in the first area and keep heading forwards and to the right. The door at the top right closest to the corner is the one you’re looking for. It’s on the long ledge


Past the bridge where an Oranguterra spawns, the third door on the left on the top level. Once again you can just check every door here if you’re stuck


Near the burning oil truck a brown door can be found on a balcony. You’ll need to defeat the tanks in this area before you can access it


Opposite the God of Time statue you’ll spot a river of lava. Jump over this and head right. The door is on the lowest level of the wall you face


Just before finishing the mission go through the door to the left with a red light above it. There’s a door with stairs leading up that you can inspect


In the central square, the top right column closest to the door you need to pass through


At the bottom of the stairs you start on there’s a door with an eye-like green orb on Dante’s left


In the room filled with pillars and platforms there’s a large ledge with a door on it directly below the Striking Globe


The door directly behind your starting location


Following the Protector boss you’ll fall down a hole. Instead of entering the next door, break the statue closest to the door on your left and enter the crevice it’s in. This is very close to the next boss fight door so be careful not to accidentally enter the next boss area


Look to the left at the start of the level and you’ll see two tall, wooden doors. Inspect the bottom one which used to lead to the Trolley Station


It’s the door directly underneath the first Sacrilege


After you kill Trismagia (the second boss of the level), don’t enter the portal. Instead check the chair in Arius’ office

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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