Prepare For Brutal Savagery In Mother Russia Bleeds

Get ready for one of this year’s bloodiest co-op games releasing this September.

If your co-op selection has been looking a little drab and dusty, spice things up by checking up the upcoming four-player brawl entitled Mother Russia Bleeds! This upcoming game from developer Le Cartel and published by the wild and eccentric guys over at Devolver Digital is set to release on September 5th for PC, Mac, and Linux. If the base copy of the game simply isn’t enough, you’ll be pleased to know that there is a Mother Russia Bleeds: Dealer Edition that comes with the game’s soundtrack and a second copy of the game, perfect if you are stumped on what to get your friend for his/her birthday. Trust us, they’ll love this game!

If you’re wondering why, the reason lies within Mother Russia Bleeds’ absolutely savage gameplay. The ultra-violent co-op game sets players in an alternate U.S.S.R amidst a desperate crew of imprisoned street fighters struggling to overcome an oppressive regime by any means necessary. Whether you want to tackle the game solo, or with a few friends, Mother Russia Bleeds offers up the choice between a story mode campaign or the deadly Survival Mode.

In Survival Mode, you’ll fend off wave after wave of difficult enemies over the course of eight different environments. When it comes to weapons, any weapon will do! You can pick up weapons that your enemies have dropped and use them to bash in a few skulls, and even harness the power of science adn chemistry to turn yourself into a Hulk-like death machine. There will even be a Versus mode where you can turn your rage on your friends and beat them to a bloody pulp with a toilet.

You can pre-order the game on the official Mother Russia Bleeds website, and keep up with the game over on the Mother Russia Bleeds Steam page. To check out this game in action, be sure to watch the trailer below!

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Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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