Friday the 13th: The Game - All Jason Stats and Abilities

Choose the best Jason by checking out all of his stats in Friday the 13th: The Game.

Friday the 13th: The Game finally earned its release date last week along with an update that gave us an inside look at all of the Jasons’ stats and abilities. From what we can see, Gun Media has been hard at work, making sure that the characters in their game hold true to the series, as well as bring about a thrilling experience that is a unique take on the horror, survival genre.

The team has taken their time in revealing different aspects of the game, one of which being the camp counselors and various designs of Jason Voorhees. These are the core of gameplay since each character brings something different to the table and will play an important role in how the game plays out. The game starts with two sets of players: the group that selects a character from the group of counselors trying to escape from the campgrounds killer, and the killer himself.

Let’s take a look at the different abilities that Jason can have and what they mean.

All Jason Abilities

Tom Savini's Hell Jason Skin

Morph: Jason fast travels long distances to locations selected on the map.

Rage: Enhances Jason's abilities and allows him to burst through walls and closed doors with ease. Triggers automatically when halfway into the match.

Sense: Jason can visually detect his victim's whereabouts within his proximity especially those with a high fear level.

Shift: Jason disappears and can quickly move short distances, avoiding traps and controlling when and where to stop.

Stalk: Jason mutes the danger theme victims hear when he’s nearby and heightens his sense of hearing.

All Jason Stats

Every Jason has stats that include various attacks, weapons, strengths, and weaknesses that make them unique among the others. Certain versions of our favorite campground slasher may hold an advantage over certain camp counselors that you’ll be tasked with killing before they can escape in the game.

There are 6 Jasons to choose from, each inspired by a movie within the Friday the 13th franchise. Even Tom Savini designed an interpretation of Jason that comes from the 9th movie, Jason Goes to Hell. In his character design, Jason takes on a firey molten look as if he managed to escape from the depths of hell. Which one of these versions of Jason will you be playing?

Friday the 13th Part 2

Jason from Friday the 13th part 2
Sack Head Jason

Weapon: Pick Axe


  • Can run  - Increased movement speed.
  • Traps - Starts with 6 traps.
  • Morph - Fast cooldown on Morph ability.


  • Shift - Slow cooldown on Shift ability.
  • Defense - Low HP and defense.
  • Waterspeed - Movement speed in water is decreased.

Friday the 13th Part 3

Jason from Friday the 13th part 3

Weapon: Axe


  • Can run  - Increased movement speed.
  • Weapon Strength - Increased weapon damage.
  • Grip Strength - Grabs are more difficult to escape from.


  • Stun Resistance - Low resistance to stuns.
  • Sense - Once activated, Sense ability is short lived.
  • Stalk - Once activated, Stalk ability is short lived.

Friday the 13th Part 6

Jason from Friday the 13th part 6

Weapon: Spear


  • Throwing Knives - Starts with 4 throwing knives.
  • Sense - Once activated, Sense ability is long lasting.
  • Shift - Fast cooldown on Shift ability.


  • Defense - Low HP and defense.
  • Can’t Run - Decreased movement speed.
  • Morph - Slow cooldown on Morph ability.

Friday the 13th Part 7

Jason from Friday the 13th part 7

Weapon: Machete


  • Sense - Fast cooldown on Sense ability.
  • Water Speed - * Movement speed in water is increased.
  • Grip Strength - Grabs are more difficult to escape from.

* Moves faster than the boat.


  • Can’t Run - Decreased movement speed.
  • Traps - Starts with only 2 traps.
  • Shift - Slow cooldown on Shift ability.

Friday the 13th Part 8

Jason from Friday the 13th part 8

Weapon: Fire Axe


  • Water Speed - Movement speed in water is increased.
  • Destruction - Less hits to break down walls and doors.
  • Stalk - Once activated, Stalk ability is long lasting.


  • Sense - Once activated, Sense ability is short lived.
  • Can’t Run - Decreased movement speed.
  • Grip Strength - Grabs are easy to escape from.

Friday the 13th Part 9

Jason from Friday the 13th part 9

Weapon: Axe


  • Shift - Fast cooldown on Shift ability.
  • Stun Resistance - High resistance to stuns.
  • Stalk - Once activated, Stalk ability is long lasting.


  • Can’t Run - Decreased movement speed.
  • Less Hit Points - HP is lower.
  • Traps - Start with only 2 traps.

Jason Goes To Hell

Tom Savini's Hell Jason

Weapon: Pitch Fork


  • Shift - Fast cooldown on Shift ability.
  • Weapon Strength - Increased weapon damage.
  • Destruction - Less hits to break down walls and doors.


  • Water Speed - Movement speed in water is decreased.
  • Can’t Run - Decreased movement speed.
  • Grip Strength - Grabs are easy to escape from.

That concludes all of Jason's variations and their stats/abilities. Make sure to check out all the camp counselor stats so you can be prepared to counter some of the abilities mentioned above. Winning at Jason's game will be no easy task and we're here to make sure you're ready for whatever he might throw (or stab) your way. Watch the video from CharminEXSoftGaming which goes over everything described in this article but pairs it along with some awesome visuals.

Make sure to check out the official launch date announcement trailer, watch all of the best Jason kills from the movies, and take a look at some of our thoughts on whether Friday the 13th: The Game will be the next Dead By Deadlight.

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