Everything We Know About Call of Duty: WW2

Check out our in-depth breakdown of what was revealed during the recent livestream.


Again, Activision and Sledgehammer were very coy about Call of Duty: WW2’s co-op mode, but the single image they revealed during the livestream (which you can see above) confirmed that it will once again be themed around zombies. Of course, one could argue that Activision kind of tipped its hand early by having famous Call of Duty Zombies YouTuber MrDalekJD read fan comments during the event before also having him be the one to ask about co-op, but we digress. Sledgehammer promises more details about the co-op Zombies mode will be revealed later this year, but for now we know it will feature a new and unique story centered around the Third Reich and its desperate bid for gaining a new, unstoppable army (hence, the zombies).



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