Top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week - Week 18

Tankers get pushy in this week's top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week.

Howdy, tankers! Welcome back to another installment of Top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week. Each week, we browse the World of Tanks subreddit for our favorite GIFs and clips that have been posted over the past seven days or so, then compile them here for you to enjoy. 

We’re also open to submissions if you’ve got a particularly funny or awesome World of Tanks GIF of your own that you'd like to share. If we like it, we may use it in our series in the future. We simply ask that you upload your video clip to Gfycat to create a GIF, then send us the link via Facebook or Twitter. Gfycat is the format we prefer working with, so keeping submissions consistent just makes things easier on our end. 

Now, without further ado, let’s check out some of the top World of Tanks GIFs from this week! 

Sleeping on the Job

Let’s start off with a GIF that emphasizes the importance of map awareness in World of Tanks. This clip was posted to the World of Tanks subreddit by Surpenttine, who appears to be the player in the GIF as well.

In the clip, Serpenttine rolls up behind a lone T29 on the hill on Himmelsdorf. The T29 continues to aim off in the distance, seemingly unaware that an opponent has just pulled up behind them. Serpenttine proceeds to shove them off the edge of the cliff using their LTG, earning some easy ramming and wrecking damage and leaving the T29 to ponder what just happened.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.

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