Destiny 2 Hotfix Released

Bungie is cleaning up a few bugs from Destiny 2 this week.

Bungie has announced the Hotfix is now live in Destiny 2. There were a few bugs following the release of Destiny 2 on September 9th, and Bungie is starting to find and fix them. Interestingly enough, the controversy involving racist armor pieces is nowhere to be found in the Hotfix notes.

Below are the full notes. The one about post launch fixes.


  • Fixed an issue that caused players to not receive Man O’ War Linear Fusion Rifle Quest Reward when they have a full weapon inventory
  • Players can obtain their missing Man O’ War from Asher Mir on IO


  • Fixed an issue where the Prism modifier did not persistently display the currently featured element 
  • Prism will now display a brief screen effect when the element changes to increase visibility
  • This will also resolve an issue impacting the Momentum modifier


  • Fixed an issue where a Raid object was receiving an unintended amount of damage from Wardcliff Coil
  • Fixed an issue where completing a Meditation before selecting it from Ikora would hide that Meditation and prevent players from completing it receiving appropriate rewards.
  • Fixed a rare memory leak that would result in a Matchmaking crash

Hopefully Matchmaking times will increase with the memory leak problem being sorted, and players will now be able to complete all the Meditations from Ikora. Raid Guardians who were cleaning up with the Wardcliff Coil will be upset to learn the strategy will not work anymore, though being able to unlock the Man O’ War is a worthy trade.

The Nightfall was bugged enough to change the intention of the strike this week, with Bungie running back the same modifiers as week one due to Momentum causing issues. Prism was used, but was also bugged, with the modifier text disappearing after each change. This was subtle and players may have thought it was by design, but the problem is now fixed and the modifier text will remain.

Bungie said last week that the armor pieces involving racist imagery would be removed in Hotfix, though there is no mention of that here. While the change may still happen, Bungie appears to not want to call attention to the controversial subject anymore.


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