Ubisoft Reflections surprise release cute musical adventure Ode

Indie-ish team behind Grow Home want to spread more joy.

Ubisoft Reflections, the Newcastle, UK team behind cute planetoid explorer Grow Home, have surprise released a new joyful game called Ode.

The low-poly style carries over into this musical adventure where you control a little bubble boy jumping about making instrument noises in colorful and creative ways.

The game comes hot on the heels of Reflections’ latest game Atomega, and is a total surprise that we’re very happy about.

You can download it right now on Uplay for about $8.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing chris.higgins@allgamers.com or finding him on Twitter. 


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