Save your progress in Dead or Alive 6

How to ensure your progress has been saved in Dead or Alive 6.

As players explore the engrossing story campaign in Dead or Alive 6, many find themselves wondering how to save their progress. While some games offer manual save options, Dead or Alive 6 is a little different in that it relies on automatic saves. This can be a little confusing, especially if you’re new to the Dead or Alive series.

To help simplify everything, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to save your progress in Dead or Alive 6.

How to Save Your Progress in Dead or Alive 6

Dead or Alive 6 relies on its internal autosave feature to track your in-game progress.
Dead or Alive 6 relies on its internal autosave feature to track your in-game progress.
© Team Ninja

As noted above, Dead or Alive 6 doesn’t include a manual save feature. Instead, players will need to rely on the game’s autosave mechanic in order to keep track of their Story Mode progress. Something to keep in mind when it comes to the autosave feature in Dead or Alive 6 is the fact that the game does save on a regular basis.

Every time you complete a fight, the game autosaves. Every time you complete a Story Mode section or finish watching a cutscene, the game autosaves. You can check to make sure the game is autosaving properly by looking at the bottom right corner of your screen. There, you should be able to spot a small Dead or Alive “A” icon which indicates that the game is autosaving.

Don’t close out of the game while the game is autosaving, as this is one of the only ways in which you can lose progress. For example, if your pet or sibling accidentally unplugs your Xbox One console from the wall while the game is in the middle of an autosave, you risk losing some of your progress. When you boot up Dead or Alive 6 again, progress should continue from the last autosave point.

Keeping this in mind, you’ll want to get to a point in the game where you can autosave right before you turn everything off. In doing so, you’ll be able to ensure all of your progress has been saved in Dead or Alive 6. Dead or Alive 6 is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.

For more on Dead or Alive 6, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including how to Counter in Dead or Alive 6, how to Block in Dead or Alive 6, and how to unlock costumes in Dead or Alive 6.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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