Square Enix dates its 2019 E3 press conference

House of Final Fantasy will be delivering Square Enix news and announcements on June 10th at 6pm Pacific.

Square Enix hosted its first E3 press conference in years in 2018, announcing… not a lot, really. They’re going to give it another shit this year, however, announcing that they’ll be broadcasting their show at 6pm Pacific on Monday June 10th.

This is the same slot that Sony usually inhabits with its PlayStation show, which was also a little lacklustre last year. PlayStation has decided against bringing a big show to E3 this year, which is highly unusual for the company. Last year’s slightly strange offering suggested a shift away from the bombast traditionally found in their E3 shows and rumors swirl around a possibly PlayStation 5 reveal show either soon before or after E3.

Taking Sony’s slot means Square Enix has some big shoes to fill, especially after its 2018 showing was so uninspiring. Not that they don’t have anything exciting to show off. Both Final Fantasy VII: Remake and the mysterious Avengers game have fans eager to find out more. This would be the perfect venue. Which means we probably shouldn’t expect much more than The Quiet Man 2.

That was a joke. We hope.

Jem is an alumnus of Sumoner's Rift, knowing all there is to know about Riot's League of Legends. Thankfully that also imparts a sort of cosmic wisdom, which gives him an understanding of most games unless they have "creeps" instead of "minions". Deviant.


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