Where is Glass Mentality Boy from in BTS World?

BTS World offers a throwback to unique lyrics from an old song.

As fans play through BTS World, they may find themselves asking questions like, “Where is glass mentality boy from?” In BTS World, there are 6 main story chapters, with additional chapters available in the Another Story section. During Chapter 2, Episode 16 of the main story, the group is shown working together to complete a song.

As lyric suggestions are thrown out, Taehyung mentions “glass mentality boy” and notes that it sounds cool. This creates a small rift between Namjun and Taehyung, as Namjun perceives the suggestion to be a joke. If the mention of dreams and “glass mentality boy” in a song sounds familiar, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we’ll walk you through where “glass mentality boy” is originally from outside of the BTS World mobile game!

Where is Glass Mentality Boy from in BTS World?

The song
The song "No More Dream" actually contains the lyrics "glass mentality boy" as mentioned in Chapter 2 of BTS World.
© ibighit

In BTS World, “glass mentality boy” is mentioned in Chapter 2, Episode 16 as the group works to write a new song. Taehyung suggests “glass mentality boy” for lyrics and Namjun claps back in frustration, thinking that Taehyung isn’t being serious. After playing through the chapter, fans have found themselves wondering where “glass mentality boy” is originally from. Is it part of a real BTS song? As it turns out, it is!

The BTS song “No More Dream” actually includes the phrase “glass mentality boy” in the lyrics. You can watch the music video for No More Dreams on ibighit’s YouTube channel. No More Dream debuted on YouTube in 2013, a full 6 years ago. With this knowledge, the mobile game’s 2012 timeline and the writing process behind the song makes sense.

What’s nice about the mobile game is it touches upon several things fans might’ve forgotten, including odd lyrics like “glass mentality boy” in songs like No More Dream. After getting a refresher on where you’ve heard “glass mentality boy” from in the past, what are your thoughts? Has BTS World contained any other surprises? How far have you gotten in the main story so far? Let us know down in the comments below!

Now that you know where “glass mentality boy” is from outside of BTS World, be sure to check out some of our other guides including how to increase your Affinity Levels in BTS World, and how to listen to Heartbeat in BTS World!

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at morgan.shaver@allgamers.com or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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