PS4 firmware updated to 5.03

Minor update should at least add a good few minutes' cursing to your evening.

Sony has updated the PlayStation 4 firmware to version 5.03.

You'll be prompted to download the 337MB update when you next turn on your console.

Apparently this one will "improve system performance", not unlike the last couple of minor updates, although we don't have any more information than that.

In other words, the most notable contribution this one makes to your day is likely to be the extra few minutes you spend cursing its existence when you settle down to play something this evening and discover you can't.

Happy Friday!


Tom is probably best known for the 15 years - FIFTEEN YEARS! - he spent at Eurogamer, one of Europe's biggest independent gaming sites. Now he roams the earth, but will always have a home here at AllGamers. You can try and raise him from his deep, abyssal slumber through or he's also on Twitter.


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