Ghost, Demon or Mortal in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Wondering if the choice between Ghost, Demon or Mortal is important in Fire Emblem: Three Houses? Fret not, we've got you covered.

Right at the start of Fire Emblem: Three Houses you’ll be introduced to Sothis, a mysterious, young and eternally sleepy character who spends her time in a foreboding chair. One of the first things she’ll as you is what you are, prompting a choice of Ghost, Demon or Mortal. If, like us, you’re paralyzed at the thought of having to make a decision, you might be wondering if this selection has some far-reaching consequences in the game. Will it determine your class? Your story? Your relationship with Sothis? Don’t worry, the choice of Ghost, Demon or Mortal in Fire Emblem: Three Houses won’t affect any of these things.

Ghost, Demon or Mortal in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Ghost Demon or Mortal in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
The choice between Ghost, Demon or Mortal in Fire Emblem: Three Houses isn't really a choice at all. © Nintendo

Your choice of Ghost, Demon or Mortal won’t affect anything in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. If you pick Ghost or Demon, Sothis will simply ask you to stop messing around. The only option that continues the game immediately is Mortal, at which point you’ll have the chance to choose your name. In short, it isn't really a choice at all.

Given the number of people fretting over this choice, perhaps the game developers didn’t quite expect how many people would get stuck over this small early decision! In truth, it’s probably there just to help you get used to making decisions about your character and their outlook on things. You’re going to need to choose a lot of dialogue options in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, so get used to being comfortable making up your own mind! It won’t be long before you need to choose between the Black Eagles, Blue Lions or Golden Deer, and while you should absolutely pick the Golden Deer because they’re the coolest house, every student in the game is worth a look. 

Once you’re past choosing between Ghost, Demon or Mortal and are into the game proper, you’ll be ready to learn the basics of professorship, which of course means mastering how to fast travel and reclass! We have plenty of other Fire Emblem: Three Houses guides available, including lists of all Personal Skills and Budding Talents for the students.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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