Catherine sequel or remaster announcement expected before new year

Atlus teases and rumors stoke hopes.

A sequel to Atlus’ nightmare infidelity puzzler Catherine could be on the cards after a series of rumors and teases originating from within the Japanese game development industry.

Gematsu has outlined the main points, as a reliable magazine advertisement leak source reports Atlus’ year-old second string Studio Zero has been tasked with a PS3-era title.

Further teases from the publisher itself puts Catherine in the front-running position, though conflicting information over whether this is a full numbered sequel or a HD remaster slightly dampens our hype.

Studio Zero is currently working on a new IP for Atlus, Project Re-Fantasy, and during a celebration stream for the studio’s first birthday they revealed they would have something else to show off before their current project.

This puts a timeline to reveal squarely before the end of this year, when we find out if Catherine will be coming to modern consoles with a number after or not.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 


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