How to unlock File 12 in Astral Chain

Taking a closer look at what File 12 is and how to unlock it in Astral Chain.

Astral Chain has 12 chapters in total, which the game refers to as Files. While File 11 serves as the last story main chapter, there’s another File available that offers end-game content. Rather than progress naturally like Files 1 through 11, you’ll need to complete a few steps in order to unlock File 12. To help you continue your game after the main story ends, we’ve put together a brief guide explaining how to unlock File 12 in Astral Chain!

How to unlock File 12 in Astral Chain

How to unlock File 12 in Astral Chain.
File 12 unlocks afer the credits roll in File 12 of Astral Chain and offers end-game content in the form of combat challenges.
© PlatinumGames

File 12 can be unlocked in a similar fashion to a New Game + save in other titles, though File 12 is more of an Epilogue in Astral Chain than an actual New Game + offering. In a nutshell, File 12 offers an Epilogue cutscene and various pieces of end-game content in the form of combat challenges.

File 12 only becomes available after the end credits of File 11. As such, you can unlock File 12 by completing File 11 in Astral Chain, then waiting for the credits to end. When you return back to the home screen from the credits, you can then save over and reload into your existing save file. After saving and reloading into your save file, you’ll begin File 12 which opens with an Epilogue story cutscene.

When you’re able to move around Neuron HQ again after this cutscene, you’ll need to seek out Olive. By interacting with Olive, you’ll acquire different combat challenges and missions to help clean up areas of corruption around the Ark. These combat challenges are a little harder than the ones you encountered in the main game, but serve as a way for gamers to keep playing Astral Chain after completing the main story.

Now that you know how to unlock File 12 in Astral Chain, be sure to read through some of our other guides including how to unlock co-op multiplayer in Astral Chain, how to save in Astral Chain, and how long it takes to beat Astral Chain.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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