Easter Egg

The good eggs and bad eggs of gaming

Unscrambling the golden yolks from the egregious eggs of the gaming world.


Game design tips you can steal to make a brilliant Easter egg hunt

Need help with your Easter egg hunt clues? Let the game designers of the world save you the trouble of thinking.

Elden Ring Easter Eggs you might have missed

Discover the references and secrets hidden within Elden Ring's enormous world.

How to activate the firing range easter egg in Apex Legends

Follow our steps for the firing range easter egg in Apex Legends and you'll bring training targets to life in deadly fashion!

9 Things You Didn't Know About Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 is loaded with cool secrets that you need to see.

Battlefield 1 - How to Trigger the Megalodon Giant Shark Easter Egg

Looks like Battlefield’s Megolodon shark has been around for a while! Here's how to find this Easter egg in Battlefield 1.

The Five Greatest Video Game Easter Eggs

Proof that video game developers can be very clever when they want to be.

Infinite Warfare: Shaolin Shuffle - How to Turn on Power

How to turn on all power switches in the Infinite Warfare Shaolin Shuffle zombies DLC.

The Top Five Battlefield Series Easter Eggs

Dinosaurs, giant sharks, floating houses, and more.