Tank Gawd It's Friday

Tank Gawd It's Friday - Your Biggest Weaknesses

Let us know what you think are your weaknesses in World of Tanks.


Tank Gawd It's Friday - What's the Hardest Tank Type?

Give your opinion on which tank type is the hardest to play in World of Tanks and why.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - What Tank Type Suits Your Play Style?

Tell us which type of tank fits your play style the most in World of Tanks.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - New Player Tips

We discuss what advice we'd give to new players in World of Tanks.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - What's Your Favorite War Story?

War stories that have stood the test of time.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - What Historical Event Resonates With You?

What military event in history resonates with you?

Tank Gawd It's Friday - What's the Toughest Tier?

Tell us which tier you feel is the hardest to play in World of Tanks.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - What's Your Favorite Tank?

Let us know which tank is your favorite to play in World of Tanks.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - Seal Clubbing in World of Tanks

Weigh in with your thoughts on 'seal-clubbing' in World of Tanks.

Tank Gawd It's Friday - The Best War Movie of All Time

Join us as we discuss our picks for the best war films of all time.