11 Best Super Bowl 51 Commercials

Number six goes full 50 Shades of Grey and NSFW.

#NSFWireless with Kristen Schaal - T-Mobile

Speaking as someone who once worked in a call center providing Verizon DSL support, I can tell you that an interaction like this would have gone down as the greatest moment in call center history. Well, except for maybe that dude who ran a phone line from his house to his boat so he could have DSL while he was fishing. True story.

Back to T-Mobile, though. The wireless company had two of the best ads that aired during the Super Bowl, but to save your mouse one click on its life, we’ll embed both videos on the same page. Enjoy, and maybe make sure you’re not watching them with your speakers cranked and sensitive ears nearby. Or, crank it and stick them on the big screen. No matter to us.



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