5 Things Battlefield Does Better Than Call of Duty

There are just some things that Call of Duty can’t compete with.

Environmental Destruction

I think we can all agree that DICE’s attempts to coin the term “levolution” wound up being more silly than compelling. However, I think we can also agree that having a dam burst and flood the combat space with water, or having a building collapse around us as we fight over the course of an otherwise atypical multiplayer skirmish, is one heck of a way to keep us coming back for more.

Again, it may seem a little gimmicky at times, but for those who crave a more realistic combat experience where the environment around them properly reflects the carnage they’ve inflicted, Battlefield has it in spades. Especially considering the fact that Call of Duty doesn’t really offer this gameplay element at all (outside of scripted story campaign moments, of course). 



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