GIFs of the Week - Week 26

RNG, uhh... finds a way.

Turretless Tier 8 TD’s – The ultimate counter to Tier 10 Lights

As the title suggests, CluelessMuffin is at it again, this time driving the clunky Tier 8 French Tank Destroyer the AMX AC 48. You’d normally consider yourself flat out of luck when you accidently bump into a full health Tier 10 Light Tank packing a top speed of 72 km/h, a power-to-weight ratio of 48 hp/t, and exceptional effective traverse speeds on all terrain in your turretless, half-health Tier 8 Tank Destroyer with paper-thin side armor, but that doesn’t apply when your adversary seems to be drunk or confused.

Throwing away his entire tank after managing to penetrate this elusive muffin once, I imagine this T-100 driver promptly closed down his game client before hanging his head in shame. We’ll put it down to bad ping.


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