5 Tips to Secure Your PSN Account

Keep your PlayStation account safe!

PSN-Only Email Address

This tip for securing your PlayStation Network account is a little more troublesome, as it requires you to have an email address that you only use for PlayStation. Most people don’t like having more than one email address, two at most, but the benefits of having an email address specifically for an online service are numerous.

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By having an email address dedicated to your PSN, you can ensure that the emails you receive to that email are only from PlayStation, and in the event that email is compromised, it won’t affect other areas of your online life. The PS-only email address will also never be used to sign up for random sites, meaning a lower chance of getting phishing emails.

It’s easy enough to sign up for a free email address through services like Gmail. Sometimes your ISP will even allow you to create multiple email addresses. Having an email address that is solely for your PlayStation helps insulate your PSN account, and will increase your security.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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