7 Tips to Prepare for the New Nebelberg Map

Get a head start on the upcoming Grand Battle game mode before Update 9.20 goes live.

North-Western Brawl

Contrary to snipers, most Heavies don’t fare well in very long range engagements. They’re slow, big targets, and usually have relatively poor dispersion, so you’d do well to avoid all that open area at all costs. Fortunately, Wargaming have you covered, as you’re able to head to either the center of the map for a close range brawl/shot trading, or head North-West to the small city area in order to duke it out with your other Super Heavies.

The King of Heavies in its element.
The King of Heavies in its element.

Once this area has been won, you should be able to push round and get side shots onto the middle area, forcing them back and massively helping out your team trying to secure the center for map control.

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