How to get the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2

Where to find the rarest horse breed and how to tame it in Red Dead Redemption 2.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, players have been wondering what the rarest horse is and where to find it. While there are a variety of notable horses in Red Dead Redemption 2, one particular breed boasts the rarest horse in the game.

To add this rare horse to your collection of horses, you’ll first need to know what the horse looks like, where on the map the horse can be found, and how to tame it. To help make everything easier, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to get the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2!

How to Get the Rarest Horse in Red Dead Redemption 2

You can find the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 near Lake Isabella and Ambarino.
© Rockstar Games, Shacknews

When looking to get the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ll first need to know what that horse looks like. As of right now, the rarest horse breed in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Arabian. The Arabian comes in a few different coat colors, with the rarest being the Legendary White Coat.

To find the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 (the Legendary White Coat Arabian), you’ll need to travel North near Ambarino, then head West of Lake Isabella. Because of this area’s beautiful snow-covered scenery, it can be hard to spot the horse due to its Legendary White Coat color. To make things easier, we recommend exploring the area slowly, and turning on your Tracker Vision.

Once you've found the Legendary White Coat Arabian, you’ll need to catch and tame it. As expected from the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2, this can be quite a challenge. To catch a wild horse, you’ll need to equip your lasso. Then, on horseback or on the ground, carefully approach the horse you’re trying to capture so as to not startle it. If it takes off, you can give chase.

After you’ve caught the horse with your lasso, slowly approach the horse and use either X or Square to calm the horse as you're approaching. With the horse calmed as much as possible, mount the horse and begin the process of trying to break it. As the horse attempts to buck you off, hold your left analog stick, then turn the stick either left or right in response to the direction the horse is bucking.

For example, if the horse bucks right, turn your analog stick to the left. We also recommend tapping X or Square repeatedly to calm the horse as it’s trying to buck you.

The rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Legendary White Coat Arabian.
© Rockstar Games, Gamepur

Once you break the horse and it stops bucking, you’ll need to work on taming it. This can be done by riding back to Valentine. At first, the horse won’t be too keen on this idea. To calm the horse while riding, slow down, then tap your left analog stick to pat your horse. Once you arrive at the stables in Valentine, you'll need to put a saddle on the horse to claim it.

Until you saddle your new Legendary White Coat Arabian, you'll want to stay mounted on the horse. Once you've put a saddle on the horse, you can dismount and then start the bonding process with your new horse. This can be done by focusing the horse, using L2/LT, then choosing the options to pat it, brush it, and feed it. 

Unlike other horses in the game, it's worth reaching the max bond level with the Legendary White Coat Arabian. This is because, in addition to being the rarest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2, it also has the best stats in the game for Health, Speed, Stamina, and Handling. By keeping the above tips in mind, you should now know what the rarest horse is in Red Dead Redemption 2, how to catch it, and how to tame it.

For a visual guide on how to get the Legendary White Coat Arabain, be sure to check out the video below courtesy of YouTube user Astrosive. For more on Red Dead Redemption 2, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including where to find the Legendary Coyote in Red Dead Redemption 2, how to unlock free Fast Travel in Red Dead Redemption 2, and where to sell Gold Bars in Red Dead Redemption 2.

By reading through this guide, you should now know what the rarest horse is in Red Dead Redemption 2, where to find it, how to catch it, and how to tame it.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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