23 PSone games to mark PlayStation's 23rd anniversary

Happy birthday to one of the greatest consoles of all time.

5. Tomb Raider

Lara Croft became gaming's first real sex symbol in the PlayStation era, although it feels laughable to describe the angular graphics of her first adventure as remotely titillating. The controls haven't aged well either. But the sense of being alone in a dangerous, undisturbed world with just your acrobatics and a couple of pistols to stave off traps and wildlife has a timeless quality that has helped the series through various generations and reinventions.

6. Vib Ribbon

Another early rhythm game, Vib Ribbon's minimalist visuals are a neat gimmick, but its moreish gameplay and sensational soundtrack are the reason we still keep a copy lying around for the occasional trip down memory lane.

7. Destruction Derby

We probably spent more time marveling at the way you could smash up cars in Destruction Derby than we did actually playing it as intended, but like Mortal Kombat's fatalities, sometimes the novelty of technology helps a game feel more than it otherwise might.

8. Crash Bandicoot

We grew up in a Nintendo household and as a result the closest we got to Crash Bandicoot was watching other people play it on store display PlayStations. To us it was just a poor man's Super Mario 64. Returning to it a couple of decades later - particularly in the excellent HD remaster on PS4 - it's interesting to note that it's arguably aged better than Mario 64. Nintendo's opus is hard to play and enjoy now thanks to controls and camerawork that were bleeding edge at the time and feel archaic now, whereas Crash's simpler use of 3D is much more accessible, allowing us to appreciate the fiendish level design of this devilish game as though it were new today.


Tom is probably best known for the 15 years - FIFTEEN YEARS! - he spent at Eurogamer, one of Europe's biggest independent gaming sites. Now he roams the earth, but will always have a home here at AllGamers. You can try and raise him from his deep, abyssal slumber through tom.bramwell@allgamers.com or he's also on Twitter.


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