A Way Out guide - Chapter 1: Escape

In the first chapter of A Way Out, Vincent and Leo must survive attackers and enact their escape plan, forming a firm friendship along the way.

Helping Hand

Once in the infirmary, Leo will befriend Vincent and ask for his help. Vincent and Leo then need to work together to obtain the chisel. This involves Vincent lying in bed, calling over the nurse and distracting the police offer, all while Leo slinks around the ward. Vincent should begin by calling the nurse using the buzzer on the bedside table. Once the nurse reaches the bed, Leo can move out into the hall.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

A guard will be blocking the way, so wait for him to finish getting a coffee before continuing down the hall. The guard will return to his station, so you’ll need Vincent to knock on the glass and cause him to spill his drink. Leo can now sneak ahead, creeping past the worker and grabbing the chisel. Leo should wait for the guard to go to the bathroom, then sneak back into the room while Vincent talks with the nurse. When Leo makes it safely back, you’ll be treated to a short cutscene where Leo throws the chisel out a window. Your next task is to retrieve the chisel and bring it back to your cell.

Work Detail

In this section, Vincent and Leo are helping tar the roof of the prison, close to the place they hid the chisel. You’ll need to work together closely to distract the guards and reach the spot where Leo placed the tool. First, send either character to the broom cupboard  and pick up the broom on the right. Instead of swabbing the roof, break the broom in half. Alert the guard that the broom is broken then take it to the guard standing near the door. With the guard distracted you can lean against the crate next to his position, helping each other up to the place with the chisel.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

Climb up the ladder and collect the chisel from below the window. Whoever stayed on the ground should distract the guard standing in the open so the one with the chisel can cross the walkway. Sneak across, climb up and then enter through the rooftop window. Jump down inside and approach the locked door. You’ll need the outside player will need to break open the lock. Once you’re done, deliver the chisel to Fred to end this section.

Cell Breach

Courtesy of Fred’s book delivery service, Leo is now in possession of the chisel you stole. This is where the escape really begins to take shape, as you’ll use it to detach a toilet from the wall, unscrew a panel and chisel out some concrete. Whoever has the chisel needs to disconnect the toilet from the wall and use the chisel to rotate the screws behind. The player who stays on lookout should call any time a guard comes down the hall. If one of them catches you messing with the toilet, it’s game over. Stop what you’re doing when the guard approaches and everything will go back to normal. When the guard approaches the cell, the lookout player can choose to distract them, buying a little more time for the player with the chisel.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

Once the grate has been chiselled and kicked into the wall, you can go to the cell door and swap roles with your partner so whoever was on lookout now has to use the chisel on the toilet and vice versa. Once both toilets are removed you’ll need to wait until lights out before you make a break for it. Once you’re ready, climb through the toilet hole you made. You’ll need to crawl along wooden planks before climbing a ladder to reach the next area. When you make it to the upper level, stay left and walk out onto the planks. You can interact with a pipe on the wall here. Vincent and Leo will need to work together to tear the pipe off the wall and use it to stop the fan. Whichever player crawls through first must find the switch to stop the fan. Work together to bust open the door And you’ll find a large elevator drop. It’s too high to drop down from, so you’ll have to steal some sheets from the laundry room first.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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