A Way Out guide - Chapter 1: Escape

In the first chapter of A Way Out, Vincent and Leo must survive attackers and enact their escape plan, forming a firm friendship along the way.

Wrench Relay

Following a brief cutscene, Leo and Vincent will find themselves in the workshop. The wrench you need is right behind you, on the table beside an inmate hammering some metal. Vincent and Leo will need to work together once again to snatch the wrench unnoticed. One player can talk to the inmate while the other grabs the wrench from the table.  Take it across to the small vent in the wall and have the second player exit through the metal detector. To the right of the you’ll find a supply room which connects to the vent. Move the bin and kick open the vent to pass the wrench out of the workshop. The second player can now leave the workshop through the metal detector.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

As you make your way back to your cells, you’ll need to pass the wrench back and forth to avoid detection. Head onward to the checkpoint where a pat-down is occurring. Whoever’s holding the wrench should wait by the barred window at the end of the hall while the other goes through the checkpoint. They can then pass the wrench through the bars before going through the checkpoint themself. Continue through the sliding bar lock and then to the cellblock. There are two guards ahead, but you can simply have the player without the wrench talk with them to let the other sneak past. There’s a shakedown occurring as you reach your cells, so stand up against the bars and pass the wrench to the cell that’s currently free of guards. Finally, throw the wrench behind the toilet to hide it from the guards.

Prison Escape

This is where the real escape begins. Heading back to that vertical shaft, you can use the wrench at the top — don’t worry, you won’t need to do the climb again. Unfasten the nuts and pass the wrench between players, then work together to open the hatch. After you climb up, grab the trolley piled with boxes from the side room and take it to the yellow vent. Here you can climb up and squeeze along the pipes. There are two guards ahead, so make use of the boxes to sneak past. Once you reach a locked door you’ll have to bash it open again. It’s important to time your hits with the thunder outside so the noise is masked. Quite cleverly, this is as simple as waiting for the flash of lightning outside to let you know when the thunder is about to arrive. Two hits will open the door.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

Out in the storm you’ll need to sneak across the rooftops, dealing with guards in your path. If you’ve played any stealth games before, this should be easy. Simply sneak up behind them and press the button prompt to take them down. You’ll soon be back on the roof where you found the chisel, so help each other up onto the crate. Open the window and climb into the warden’s office. There’s a caged bird on the balcony here that you can release for an achievement or trophy. Leave via the large double doors when you’re ready. Head down the stairs and you’ll enter the infirmary with two guards ahead of you. Crouch behind the walls so you can sneak into the ward and out the window.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

Once outside again you’ll see a tower with a spotlight. Crouch by the walls and only move forward once the spotlight has passed. When you reach the tower’s base, climb up to take down the guard. There’s an electric cable here which leads to the ground outside the prison, so grab a coat hanger and get ready to zipline to freedom. Sadly there isn’t much time to enjoy the ride, as you’ll need to climb the side of the building when prompted before pegging it to freedom. As soon as you land in the building, work together to open the roller door and then run through the woods, jumping over fallen trees and sliding down slopes. Congratulations, you’ve just escaped the the prison, but now you need to run for your life. Chapter 2: Fugitives is up next.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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